Thursday 23 April 2009

A Fly I Wouldn't Mind Swatting...

OMGOD!!!!!! THERES A FLY ON THE WALL... A CREEPY LITTLE SNEAKY LITTLE FLY ON THE WALL! aka miley -bitchface- cyrus. What does she think she's doing on the cover of Teen Vogue?! She's not the embodiment of natural beauty (She looks like she's had botox) and she is not a good role model for teenagers (cos shes a S-L-A-G) She's everything I hate about 15 year olds wrapped in one annoying thick voiced package! God! She's so lairy and in the video of Fly On The Wall, she genuinely thinks she's so hot grinding in mid air and tossing her fake extensions around the place to an electro beat! And really, put that malnutritioned stomach awayyy! Seriously, these slutty pics of you aren't making me feel all hot and flustered. I'm not getting turned on at all... They're not even provocative or anything. If I was a boy, I wouldn't be impressed (aaand yet Nick Jonas fell for it, defiling his purity ring... maybe he still keeps it on when doing his business cos he likes the way the cold metal feels on his hot skin) basically, in conclusion... I HATE MILEY CYRUS!